I have been working from the car sketching along the harbour. There are a few sites that can be accessed easily exposing a vibrant industrial port. Giant cranes and equipment that manipulate large sea containers into position move about the deck with purpose.
The movement of the equipment parallels training in life drawing when during a session the model would change positions every twenty or thirty seconds. The object was not to capture every detail of the pose but the overall energy or flow of the view.
The drawing does not contain the same romantic associations directed by gesture drawings of the human figure. It is constrained by the space of the car studio and a need to restrict the paint drift to the car interior which is already colourful enough.
The division of space that occurs where the objects of man intersect and link the land and sky is very interesting to me. The vast industrial landscape of the harbour provides a unique opportunity to follow this interest as well as being a foil to work with natural elements of the forest and garden.