Blue Beach, Nova Scotia

Where does the time go.

 Watching the tide roll out at Blue beach or any other beach is an amazing experience.
First of all the physical change that is revealed is stunning. The ocean moves far faster than you would imagine leaving a rock strewn landscape behind. Eagles, crows and gulls all make a pass overhead searching for lunch.

 Making a drawing while being part of the spectacle slows things down to a human speed. So here it is the middle of winter almost one year later. So much has happened, where does the time go?

Hearts Content

For years now, from time to time, when I am in the giant store picking up supplies the sounds of a piano being played drift above the normal drone in the cement and steel building.

Normally the sounds are from people and materials all going separate but similar directions in typically post modern ways. Sounds of wireless devices, loud speakers and rattling shopping carts punctuate the din. I wonder if these are sounds of money.

I have known the piano lady for years through her music at the store and I have thanked her many times. Yesterday, I bumped into her at the head of one isle in the store and thanked her again for sharing her love of music. We had a short conversation and she told me she has no play list. She just plays and plays until her heart is content. She also told me she had played since she was a little girl but just for the love of it.

Enjoying my aRTWalk

Not being a word person, making a artwalk blog that did anything more 
than display images of my work was a little intimidating. 
Now, I am one hundred entries down the road.  Wow.

The image above is of Springfield Lake after a storm many years ago so I guess one thing is for sure, the immediacy of water colour has stuck with me through it all. I'm not sure where that comes from but it has yielded some surprising results that continue to draw me further in.
Today, a blizzard is raging outside our door so I have a bit of time to organize the studio and gather some thoughts. One thing for sure is I do like to play with paint. 

I think, images will remain in no particular order and vary wildly in content and style.


I wondered what your mind would do with two ideas at once. Would you think about the colouring of the word or see through that to the word itself. 

Halifax Harbour Viewpoints

It is early in the new year and the cold weather days of winter have set in here now. 
Daylight hours are short and the temperatures have dropped well below the freezing 
for the last week. Our lake has frozen and skaters have begun clearing rinks for pleasure skating or pickup hockey games. My interest in the harbour continues.

Taking time to move along the edge of the harbour sketching the activities surrounding the shipping is a pleasure that can continue even in freezing weather through the use of our car.

The harbour views change but ideas of connection persist. Connections of materials and technique, country and world are brought to the light.