Maybe it's Spring

In the north it is late winter going into early spring now and we eagerly await the arrival of warmer air.

The calendar says spring has arrived but looking out the window tells a different story. Newly fallen snow from back to back storms has covered everything with a fresh white blanket. 

Even with the new snow we see birds making their way back into the area. Brooks and sap are running, buds are swelling and you can find garden seeds in stores. We set our clocks ahead an hour to daylight saving time and now enjoy sunlight through the evening. I have noticed open water on some of the lakes.

So with sunny skies and low wind forecast I packed my bag and headed for the woods looking for something to paint. 

Walking along a trail through the woods a hopeful light on tree tops along a ridge caught my eye. I set up in a snowbank just to the side of the trail and began working. After a few hours my fingers and toes started feeling chilled and I wondered about using the car as a studio. It would be impossible to get to such a place in the car and eventually I decide it is better to save the car studio for colder wetter days.

There is something special about recording an experience in the woods. Something in the air.