
My mother was a hooker and proud of it. I think she came from a long line of hookers and knitters and stitchers. People who worked with their hands. She lived in a time when spending time making things was necessary. Both my grandmothers also worked at hooking and stitching and always had a bag of cloth or wool ready to be used on the next project. Current small projects always followed them around in a bag.

The bags of wool they used were filled with beautiful colours. I was often recruited to turn the scanes of wool into balls or to cut cloth pieces for the next quilting bee. One project after the other overlapped from medium to medium. Cloth and thread turning into quilts and mats, hats and coats, functional items and occasionally just for fun. Looking at their work now I can see they were really good at their work. Maybe watching all this creativity take form in so many ways allowed me to consider working as an artist. Spending more time making art is something worth considering.