In the heat of summer there is time to take a moment to reflect on work so far this season. Not too long ago the extra winter snow and prolonged cool air that lasted through spring slowed the early progress of plants. It is amazing to see now how things have grown in the available days. It is as if the plants are making a statement of defiance to all they have been through during the days and weeks of the last year.
Day Lilies 2, 2015 Acrylic on Canvas 609.5cm x 609.5c |
Day Lilies are well named, lasting only one day. That makes a narrow working window and suggested a quicker drawing style. Taking advantage of the narrow window in this way seems to capture the plants in a way that reflects the available raw energy.
Day Lilies 1, 2015 Acrylic on Canvas 609.5cm x 609.5cm |
Painting on site does require some planning to get all the materials and yourself into place at the right time so the paint bag by the door is always a good thing. Canvas or a support of some kind along with an easel and comfortable seat will make the work go smoothly.
Iris 2, 2015Acrylic on Canvas 609.5cm x 609.5cm |
Full steam ahead.