Snow banks are deep everywhere with more to come but as spring approaches my thoughts turn to painting on site. Over the winter I have relied on the car studio to fill the gap and it works well on cold or wet days but is a bit cramped.
In a nod to the old idea of spring cleaning, once a year, old frames are peeled and new canvas stretched and prepared. Painting supplies are also checked and renewed. I even turn my paint bag upside down and give it a good shake just to make sure all the stray bits actually make it to the compost pile or garbage bag before I repack the paint bag and leave it by the door ready to go. Having a packed bag by the door makes rushing out easier when the time to go comes along. So all this spring cleaning got me looking at paintings created over the last few summers and before long work from one day to another was being compared to one another as well as comparisons from one site to the other. The painting of lady slipper plants is part of a larger series of paintings loosely grouped under the title "Ground Cover".
Revisiting sites and exploring new ones create opportunities for interesting changes in the work. I look forward to the challenge.