Point Pleasant Park, Halifax

When we arrived at Halifax I was taken deep into the city to a place that had been home to my wifes' family for generations.

Painting was something I brought with me from Toronto and I was determined to explore my new surroundings using this medium. I wanted to play with paint and loved colour and contrast. The view out the kitchen window ay Waverly Terrace became one of my first topics.

One highlight of a city tour was Point Pleasant Park. The Park was close at hand sitting on a beautiful point of land at the end of the Halifax peninsula which provides a view to the open sea.

On the eastern side of the park in sharp contrast to the forest sits a giant container pier or ocean transfer point. I should mention that the forest that once covered the park was destroyed by hurricane Juan in 2003 and will be a while regrowing.

Contrasts between natural and constructed elements around the park and the pier interest me as a painter.

It is also interesting to see changes that were underway a short while ago now rendered to memory.

A giant crane stands on the newly extended deck out into the harbour, a modern day colossus.

and you said you couldn't draw

Over the weekend the artist for the day event was held at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, NSCAD for short. I volunteer to do drawing at the door as an opportunity to promote the college to the general public. 

It always surprises me how many people don't consider drawing or even it's close cousin doodling something they have time for. Children will take the opportunity easily while middle aged and senior adults are more reluctant. 

I often hear, "I can't draw" or "I have no time"  but once they are given pause to consider the option and provided the material, in this case paper and a crayon, they seem genuinely pleased with themselves and their effort. 

I point them to the door of the college and encourage them to continue to express themselves.
 They thank me for the experience and continue on their way. 

Digby, Nova Scotia

Chance would have it that I found myself in Digby 
just as the sky broke open revealing a startling and beautiful view of the harbour.

I was able to pull the car, which doubles as 
a rolling studio, into a parking lot and get out a board and some paint.
The fast moving tidal waters of the Bay of Fundy flood into the basin on the rising tide. 
I begin working quickly to record the view as water floods up into the Bear River. 
By the time an hour had past water covered the harbour floor presenting  a radically different but equally beautiful view.