The Lake

The lake outside our door and across the road is called Springfield. It is spring fed and shallow with the deepest areas under six meters or twenty feet. My interest seems to be reflected in the obvious. The surface of the lake is where the light plays with clouds, earth and sky meet, touch, talk. The painted view is from a window. From inside the house weather does not limit the time of working.

The first series of small 3x5 inch panels was conceived to fill a steel file box found at a used equipment store. The title on the file box was Renewal. Renewal allowed play to enter the work. Colour, edges and forms flowed through and around the meeting of sky and water and land. Changing day after day, moment to moment.

Artists Spring

View at Cranberry Lake, Halifax County,N.S.

Spring creeps back onto the land as the warm southern air brings relief from the frozen winter. Ice and snow begin to melt and there is heat in the air. Sometimes, if the sun is out and the wind is down acrylic paint is once again useable outdoors.

Working outdoors is an aspect of art making that draws me back over and over again. I am not sure what it is about the process but as an artist I become strangely attached to the site, the materials and the record.